Benjamin Stamm
Nov 22
Dear all,
please note that the registration for abstracts at the GAMM annual meeting held from April 7-11 in Poznan (Poland) ends on December 15th. Our activity group will have again our own section (S26) fix in the program. In recent years, we had around 27 talks in average on our subject making the meeting a wonderful place for discussion and exchange of ideas. It is tradition to have one or two longer keynote-speakers in the section. This year, we’re happy to let you know that we will have Tony Lelièvre (Ecole des Ponts) and Jiří Vaníček (EPFL) as keynote-speakers in our section. It would be great to see you numerous again this year! You find more information about the conference here [1] and can register here [2]. I'm looking forward to the meeting!
Best, Ben