I'm forwarding this summer school announcement:
Dear Colleagues,
We are organizing a 4-week summer school at the interface between math and chemistry. It will take place from July 16th to August 10th, 2018, in Roscoff, a very nice small town in Brittany, France.
This school is aimed at students at advanced Bachelor and Master levels (from L3 to M2) in Mathematics or Theoretical Chemistry - the prerequisites in both fields are minimal. First-year PhD students are also welcome. The basics of quantum chemistry and classical molecular dynamics will be introduced, as well as the mathematical and numerical tools to better understand and simulate the corresponding models.
There are no registration fees; accommodation and food (except lunch and diner during the weekend) are fully covered.
More information is available here: http://iscd.upmc.fr/wp/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/plaquette2018_light.pdf
If any of your students may be interested, please encourage them to apply: http://iscd.upmc.fr/training/summer-school/applications/
Best wishes,
Eric, Jean-Philip and Yvon